Fellowship Tea & Coffee (10:30 – 11:30)
We open at 10.30 am, this is also the time where we set-up the hall, put the chairs and wire-up the PA system. You are free to come and pick-up a tea or coffee and chat with one of the brothers or sisters who are free.
Sunday School (10:45 – 11:30)
We encourage children in our midst to attend Sunday School where one of our brothers or sisters will lead the children into a few songs and then take classes for them. The children are expected to learn verses from the Bible and recite them from memory. The classes are held in a relaxed atmoshpere, and involve fun activities based on arts and crafts, all the while relating to moral messages from scripture. The classes cater to children from 4 years to 13 years.
Main Meeting (11:45 – 1:30)
The main meeting starts with a memory-verse (either a command or promise) and followed by praise and thanks giving songs and choruses. The praise and thanks giving is ended by with a brief time of prayer where everyone is given an opportunity to pray publicly.
We then listen a video message of Bro. Zac Poonen lasting about 30-60 minutes, which is followed by 2-3 minutes testimonies in response to the main message. The testimony time open to all brothers and sisters who have committed themselves to the local body of Christ (in other words, visitors are not expected to testify). The main meeting is closed by a brief time for a thanksgiving prayer.
We break bread on the second Sunday of every month and only those who committed to the local church are expected to participate.
Fellowship Lunch (1:30 – 3:30)
All, including visitors, are encouraged to stay back and join for a light meal and fellowship. Sandwiches are available for children if they are picky or don’t like the main meal. Please note if you suffer from allergy it will be best to talk to one of us and indicate your dietery requirements. Tea and coffee is available too on request.